Dates: 4-7 December 2008
Venue: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, DIAS, 10 Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Lecture Room, Floor 1
This workshop is the fifth of a series with the aim of gathering mathematicians and condensed matter physicists, doctoral and postdoctoral students.
The topics we are interested in concern the modelling and study of various quantum transport phenomena in meso and nanoscopic systems. More precisely, it is about developing a conceptual framework based on mathematical analysis, aimed at the description of physical systems which are either close to or far from equilibrium. In this context, we want to give a rigorous meaning to some fundamental concepts of non-equilibrium mechanical statistics like the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem, Green-Kubo formalism, Onsager relations, etc. We then want to apply this abstract theory to the investigation of spectral and dynamical properties of excitons in carbon nanotubes, bosonification of excitons and biexcitons, superfluidity in liquid helium, Bose-Einstein condensation, magnetic and optical response to non-localized perturbations, and many other problems.
All these questions have been gathered in a joint project of collaboration between five research teams: one from the mathematics department of Aalborg University, the second one from the mathematics institute of the Romanian Academy, the third one from C.P.T. in Marseille, the fourth one at WIAS Berlin and the fifth one now at DIAS Dublin.
For the future we aim at two things:
List of particpants :
Pictures of particpants :